Triple Threat Foilayage
Balayage Inside Foils
Have you ever spent a ridiculous amount of time doing a "Foilayage" only to have it come out like a shadowed highlight?
Me Too!
I have worked tirelessly over the past 5 years studying and practicing different techniques/ placements to figure out how to work smarter not harder! This Foil placement has be repeatedly boiled down into the exact number of foils (Only 43 Total) required to recreate the visual effect of open air balayage with extra levels of lift - no more - no less!
Course Description:
Advanced haircolor class using my signature #TripleThreatFoilayage placement all inside foil for maximum lift in a one hour foil application technique. This class demonstrates how to create extra brightness with Foilayage techniques such as Zigzag teasie-lights, “Baby Lights”, and Teasie-Points (balayage "V" or "W" placements inside a foil). The result minimics the placement of open air balayage but with more lift in the same application time as painting. Base breaking is incorporated to create perfect transitions and graduation of color.
Promo Video
FREE PREVIEWIntroduction and Sectioning
Products and Tools
The Gym Lights
Foiling the Back
Foiling the Sides
The Hairline Shuffle